Friday, May 13, 2011

Back to Blogging and an Update

I know I have been out of the blogging scene for a while. Things have been a little bit of an emotional roller coaster around here these days. Right around the first of the year Candler was diagnosed with Subglottic Stenosis. This is a narrowing in trachea that she was most likely born with and that was worsened by being on the breathing tube for a short time at birth. Over the past several months she has undergone multiple bronchs (scopes looking at her airway) and 2 balloon procedures. The balloon procedures literally balloon open and stretch the airway. So far these procedures have seemed to be successful. Over the past couple of weeks she has become sick with croup and seems to possibly have some re-narrowing so she is going to be re-bronched on the 26th. We are praying for good news and that she does not have to undergo major surgery. We know God has a plan for her and we are thankful for how well she has done so far. At 15 months she is nothing but energy. She goes nonstop and nothing slows her down. Candler is full of personality and she is walking or should I say running everywhere these days. She is starting to talk, saying Mama, Dada, dog, duck (which refers to any type of bird like creature), down, and Bye (which sounds more like Die). She loves looking for birds and dogs outside, playing at the park, reading books over and over again, and doing crazy things with her Dada. So that is the update on our little ball of energy. I will try to keep up the blogging to keep everyone updated but also to journal all the wonderful and amazing things our little girl does.

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